Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Evidence of our sickness

As you all know we recently added miss Angie to our little family. I did not expect the love and attention from all sides that she is receiving. You'd think I birthed a child. Suddenly everyone is referred to as "mommy" "daddy" "auntie" "uncle" "grandma" and "grandpa" and of course, "cousin".

It is seriously cracking me up!

My mom went by our house today with her trusty spare key to check on Angie since Ant and I both are out of the house til pretty late tonight and she sent me this photo of my A Dog.

Apparently this text was sent to various people in the family with the attached verbage -

To my brother: "Hi Unky Eddie! Gramma just took me potty! Am I the cutest thing you ever did see or what? Can't wait to play with you again soon! Love, Angie or A Dawg!"

To my cousin: "Hi Cuz! Gramma just came by to take me potty! Am I the cutest thing you ever did see? Gotta go now. This grass is yummy! Love, Angie."

I don't know about you guys - I'm just shocked that Angie already learned how to text.
You crack me up mom...



Becky Stets said...

This puppy is the cutest thing ever! I want to hold her! That face, I can't get over it.

Renee said...

Your mom cracks me up, I thought I was bad.