Monday, June 24, 2019

Dahlin Cabin Trip 2019

Highlights of this year's trip: Leeland beginning to learn how to fish with his own pole (in the Stanislaus River and then at Bass Pro), Thomas taking an hour long nap on my back, Thomas' first hike to the falls and toe dip in the Stanislaus River, getting to spend some quality time with Shawna and Justin, Summer Solstice coinciding with the trip, and the awesomeness of the boys' trees having survived the Donnell Fire. 

Thanks to Ger and Andrea for their hospitality, and to everyone who cooked delicious food for the trip. It's always a great time at the Dahlin Family Cabin!

Dylan, the heavyweight champion of setting up a tent blindfolded

Camp Camello

baby in a box

(Thanks Susan!)

I love this place. 

Goin' fishin'

I spy the moon above the trees.

Me and Tom in shadow

Late rains produced lots of new growth. 

Ant and Leeland

Does this taste good?


Babies. Books. Coffee.... AND BEERS! 

Ash from the fire was everywhere.

In laws.

You really can't accurately capture the devastation in a photo.


Princess Angie doesn't like to camp

Fire guy!!

More in laws.

Lee thinks Ger is the coolest.

(Thanks Nicole!) [Missing Lisa, Drew and Nathan Schlotz] 
