Monday, August 12, 2019

[T.A.C. 12 Months Old]

Written for Thomas August on his first birthday -- 7/26/2019: 
❤️ Thomas,
We've learned some great things about you this year, such as your love of all foods, of which the messiest are clearly best, and your boundless joy over being in water, whether it be in the crashing waves of the ocean or the bottom of a river bed, both of which place you squarely in line with your mother. We know that you love loud music, dogs and cats, and most important, your big brother. We know that singing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' as a family can get us through almost any terrible spot, and that when all else fails, a little time in the rocking chair with mom will do the trick.
When you were born I never could have known how much you would teach me in one year. You've taught me how to be more compassionate, more patient, more flexible and loving. You have taught me to slow down and enjoy the moment. You and I went to the bottom of the sea together, and it took us months and months to swim back to the top, but we did it. And if there's one thing this year has proven to me, it's that the NICU nurses were right, you sure are a troublemaker, my friend, and I love you. Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom ❤️

About 5 days before Thomas turned one he sprouted his first tooth (FINALLY! - bottom right), slept through the night (because we cut off the bottle - no issues, kid took it in stride, and he's been sleeping through the night ever since), and started walking! He said, "World, I'm one. I do what I want!" 

For his actual birthday we took him for ice cream in Niles (and a beer at Joe's Corner) with our four parents. Then, to celebrate his birthday on the weekend, we had immediate family and some close friends over for food and to sing to our little guy. Then, the following weekend we went down to San Diego to celebrate our victory of having made it to this place. Two kids. Both alive and well. We did it (for now)!

Thomas is a spitfire, as usual. Walking everywhere. All but refusing to crawl. Now, two weeks later, sprouting tooth #2, and having a blast running us ragged daily. 

He's just such a special, happy little maniac. We love him.

Happy birthday Thomas. I love you so much little guy. 


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

[T.A.C. 11 months old]

Well, we all made it through the 10 month sleep regression (some of us just barely). Little man is now 11 months old, and almost ONE!

He still delights in sticking his tongue between his lips when he's thinking or working extra hard on something. He's crawls at light speed for an open bathroom door, for his big brother, or if he's being "chased" by any of us. He loves to laugh at mom, dad, Lee, Angie and Axel. Still a huge fan of jumping in his crib, and now on Lee's trampoline and on top of his push and pull walker toy (an elephant on wheels with a bouncy seat). He's usually getting into some mischief. 

Cruising 24/7 now and working toward walking. We keep finding him standing on his own without holding on to anything. As soon as he sees that you've noticed he flashes a HUGE smile, and then plops onto his butt. Must concentrate fully on the task at hand, ha!

Still zero teeth. Still eating everything in sight. Still drinking his bottles. That'll end soon. We'll see how it goes transitioning to milk and only his sippy cup. 

Sleeps through the night FINALLY!!!!, unless he has skipped a meal during the day (usually that happens if we have been on the go all day). In that case, he wakes for a bottle and goes back to sleep. Lately, he's been sleeping 7:30 or 8pm to anywhere betwen 8:30 and 10am. Still napping like a champ during the day.  

So what have I learned from this little guy? 

He's taught me to be more patient, more loving, more willing to slow down and enjoy the moment. He's taught me to be a better mother for him and for Leeland. He's helped me learn that perfection isn't everything. Sometimes just showing up is enough. You do your best, but you don't have to be the best. Yes, a baby has taught me this. 

All children are different. They have their own personalities. They grow and change and do things at their own speeds. Thomas and I have had our own journey together, totally separate from my journey as a mom with Lee. As these worlds begin to intersect more and more I am becoming a happier person with more love to give to those around me. Not even sure where I'm going with this. Just happy to say that Thomas is my little guy. I hope he loves me as much as I love him. He does seem to need his mom a little more than Lee ever did at this age. I've come to realize that is a gift, not a burden. I just love him so much. I am really enjoying watching him grow and change, especially the last couple of months. He is just everything!

Enjoys talking, talking, talking. He will say just about anything if you say it enough times. His list of words has grown. Here's what I can think of at this moment, which of course is not a very long list:

Dada, mama, brother, Batman, No, No!, Uh oh!, So big!, rawwwrr!, hi, baba (bottle), ball, stop!, Angie, Geegee (my grandma), num num (foooooood!).

Likes to clap, raise his arms for so big, skate around the house on daddy's skateboard, play "catch" with papa Ed, play peek a boo, and 1, 2, 3 BOO!, be chased and to swim, swim, swim. He's a water baby for sure, and loves the ocean as passionately as his mom does! We played in the sand and surf for Nana's birthday a couple weeks ago until our bodies were all but coated in sand. It was a blast!


Tom wouldn't sit still for this month's photos, so these are basically blurry screenshots of a wild morning. Enjoy the photo of the back arch tantrum. Little stinker!!


Monday, June 24, 2019

Dahlin Cabin Trip 2019

Highlights of this year's trip: Leeland beginning to learn how to fish with his own pole (in the Stanislaus River and then at Bass Pro), Thomas taking an hour long nap on my back, Thomas' first hike to the falls and toe dip in the Stanislaus River, getting to spend some quality time with Shawna and Justin, Summer Solstice coinciding with the trip, and the awesomeness of the boys' trees having survived the Donnell Fire. 

Thanks to Ger and Andrea for their hospitality, and to everyone who cooked delicious food for the trip. It's always a great time at the Dahlin Family Cabin!

Dylan, the heavyweight champion of setting up a tent blindfolded

Camp Camello

baby in a box

(Thanks Susan!)

I love this place. 

Goin' fishin'

I spy the moon above the trees.

Me and Tom in shadow

Late rains produced lots of new growth. 

Ant and Leeland

Does this taste good?


Babies. Books. Coffee.... AND BEERS! 

Ash from the fire was everywhere.

In laws.

You really can't accurately capture the devastation in a photo.


Princess Angie doesn't like to camp

Fire guy!!

More in laws.

Lee thinks Ger is the coolest.

(Thanks Nicole!) [Missing Lisa, Drew and Nathan Schlotz] 
