Friday, May 29, 2015

Tenacious Lee at 2 months and some odd days old

You always hear parents say, "Time flies. Enjoy every moment because before you know it they are all grown up!" I have to agree with all of them, wholeheartedly. Just looking back and forth between his 1 month photos and these it is pretty insane how much he has grown. 

Anyway, lately we've been enjoying a lot of Shel Silverstein, and a bit of some other fun favorites. Anthony tells me that he's also been reading Thrashers to the little man. I'll have to include those next month!

Also, my mom has started reading Harry Potter to Lee. Isn't that too cool?

I regret using such a high ISO in these photos. The result is very grainy, but they will have to do. He's just such a cutie pie, isn't he?!

On a side note, we've also been singing the states song on the regular. He really enjoys the part about California and how it's the best of the "fifty nifty United States". Before we know it, he's going to be singing that song right on back to us! Crazy. 


1 comment:

Lynette Fraga-weems said...

Such a precious angel. Love love love this blog especially. He is changing so much. Keep up the good work of keeping up with this little guy Mommy!! I love you both so much and Anthony too!!