- We got everything put away in the kitchen
- I resolved not to write my essay
- The deck was cleaned up - yes we have a deck
*** I have to mention that Anthony is having me brush his leg hair right now ***
- The VCR was set up (YIPEE) and I finally was able to watch "The Burbs"
- We got the water for the water cooler that we had received for free a month ago- what an ordeal that was. No store carries the darn bottles but they all have filling up stations. What is up with that?
- We made dinner. Ant made fried chicken and I made salad and green beans with chocolate pudding for desert. YUMMY! It was so good. We ate it out on the deck with the space heaters and our table and chairs plus... Ant put white Christmas lights up and I played "Light Jazz" on this online radio website. It was so hilarous. It reminded me of high school when we used to have "Dinner Nights" once a month and we'd kick Anthony's family out and have a homemade dinner with candles. I can't believe everyone allowed us to do that.
Anyway - I guess I should catch everyone up on what's been happening around here. On Tuesday we got the keys to the new house and my mom came down to help us do whatever we were doing that day. She took us to Costco which is always super fun. That night through yesterday afternoon we were moving things out of the old and into the new house. Friday afternoon we took a 3 hour accidental nap because it had been pack, move, clean, work, school, pack move clean... etc... This house is looking better bit by bit but we're still moving in slow motion.
Here are some random photos of what we've been doing. None of the house really yet because it's not done.
Me and my Mommasan!
We pose in front of Costco hot dogs haha
I bet he's wondering why I'm snapping photos instead of helping
During the "clothes-capade". Those piles all managed to fit into one dresser. How? We have superhuman powers.
Ant building my dresser
and putting up Christmas lights on the deck
and putting the water jug on the cooler. It looks as though I do nothing around here.
Here I am practicing for my murder-by-knife days
Homemade Fried Chicken. Go us!
Out on the deck eating
Me makin' pudding. Yummaliciousness!
Tonight THE OFFICE beckons from the TV and I am answering!
oh wait - here are shots of the house before we brought all of our stuff in.
oh wait - here are shots of the house before we brought all of our stuff in.
1 comment:
how cute i love it!congrats you cute lil couple
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