in no particular order (and definitely ready for an update):
Visit every national park in the United States
Complete our wedding album
Create an in-home darkroom
Swim further into the ocean than clear water
Surf / Body Board / Boogie Board / Wakeboard / Jet Ski / Get off the boat when boating
Go on a houseboat
Watch an entire season of hockey, basketball or baseball
Live without a cell phone for some length of time
Hang my photography in our house
Learn to build a proper fire
Work a 9 to 5 job
Learn to ride a horse
tend a garden
Have a dog
Watch no television / movies for a month
Road trip in every state of the U.S.
Get married
Graduate from college
Learn short-hand online
Complete a journal (haven't done that since high school)
wear heels / wedges to work
Learn how to gut a fish and cook it
(haven't done that since I was a kid)
Skateboard it up!
Print my blog from start to finish
go an entire month without alcohol consumption