Friday, March 30, 2012

11 Things MEME

Becky tagged me in her 11 things meme. If YOU want to play along, go for it.

Here are the rules:
1. Post these rules
2. Post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in the post
4. Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
5. Tag them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog

11 Random Things About Me:

1. I am a chronic over-spender, but I lecture my husband when he buys
Taco Bell without telling me.
2. If I could add one extra day to my week I would spend it vising my grandmothers. I also wish gas was free.
3. My dad is the one person in my life who literally never gives his opinion on anything, and yet he is the person whose opinion seems to matters most.
4. I hate talking on the phone. I am a huge text message person. However, I think text messaging and internet chatting and blogging are truly horrible things that should not be overindulged.
5. Running sucks. Walking rules. Hiking is way cooler than walking. And hiking with my dog simply rocks!
6. Owning a home and having a family freak me out sometimes, but those are the only two goals in my life that I truly will never give up on.
7. I can't stand having dirt or crumbs or anything on my feet, but my slippers smell like crap. Thanks a lot stink feet.
8. Whenever I hear a sad song that could be played at a funeral I think of my mom and dad and wonder if that song would be suitable for a memorial service. Then I play it again and feel depressed the rest of the day.
9. I have only one friend who I have never ignored via phone / text: Anton. (I'm also a chronic text / phone call ignorer)
10. I think that snail mail rules and I wish I got real mail everyday - even if it's just a drawing or a few sentences.
11. I always finish a project; I rarely like the outcome.
My answers to Becky's questions:

1.What is your favorite hobby/ leisure activity? Hiking. I used to say reading, but now I think it's definitely hiking / adventuring.

2. Favorite musical artists? Oh man. You know.. I've been down in the dumps lately music-wise. I kind of felt myself slipping into this radio music funk. It's not been good. Today's tip: Don't leave your entire music collection in your car - it will be stolen and subsequently sold around the corner at one of the year round garage sales. I don't even want to answer this question right now.

3. What are your favorite blog reads? A Beautiful Mess. Carrotspeak. The B is for Becky.

4. What is your favorite way to kill time? Pinterest and playing with my Angie girl. Oh, and of course, cleaning my house.

5. Favorite nail polish color. I NEVER wear nail polish. EVER. It does not look good on me. The two colors I have ever purchased with my own money: Clear and clear with clear sparkles. HAHA.

6. Tell me about a dream vacation. Back to Hawaii for another two weeks. We went there in 2007 and Anthony and I have been dying to get back. The beauty of it is that you're still on American soil so there's no hassle with passports and language barriers - but it's still so absolutely beautiful and relaxing there. There are two types of trips: Vacations and Explorations. Vacations can involve exploring and Explorations can involve relaxation - but there is a definite distinction. If I go somewhere brand new it's an Exploration, that's why I choose Hawaii almost every time.
7. An item off your bucket list, life long bucket list or yearly bucket list. I just added a brand new item to my bucket list: Learn to skateboard. I know how to do it, but I've never owned my own board or really gotten comfortable enough to skate in front of other people or use it as a preferred mode of transportation. It's happening this year and I'm getting an awesome new green Krooked Zip Zinger at some point to practice on.

8. Recount an embrassing event in your life. So many awful moments to choose from. Maybe the most embarassing (that comes to mind at this moment) is the time that I accidently threw a shoe at Anthony and hit him in a very undesirable area of his body IN FRONT OF his whole family and got yelled at by Joe (his dad) because I couldn't stop laughing about it. Meanwhile, Anthony was on the floor in excruciating pain. It was very embarassing and not fun and just ugh I hate thinking about that moment. ***Side note: Joe has blocked out this memory and pretends it did not happen... good choice***

9. Do you have any nick names? Kels. Wow, real original. Anthony also calls me sugar lips and cookie tush. He's weird.
10. Are you a dessert person? My husband tells me he isn't yet he eats it...hmmm. What's your favorite dessert? I am TOTALLY a dessert person. I love sugar in all forms and I'd prefer dessert over dinner, any day. My favorite dessert is vanilla ice cream. I also love brownies and cookies. I do not like cake, but if it's my only option then I will gladly eat it. Don't bring candy to my house or I will eat it. I am a snacker. It's not as awesome as you might think. Snacking leads to fat. I don't like fat. OK moving on...

11. Where do you love to shop? Target & Old Navy.

11 Questions for YOU to answer:
1. Do you have a 401K?
2. If you could get rid or TV or internet in your house, which would you choose?
3. If you had to eat human hair or animal hair, which would you prefer to bake into a lasagna?
4. Did that last question make you want to vomit?
5. Who do you admire most in your family?
6. What is your dream job?
7. Do you enjoy celebrating your birthday? What do you do on your birthday?
8. Why do you blog / FB / Tweet?
9. Is there anything in your life that you are positive you only like or have bought because its popularity made it appealing?
10. Do you consider yourself lucky?

I'm tagging Alex, Andie, Carrie, and.... anyone else. (Don't feel obligated)


Carrie said...

Thanks for the shout out! :) I still have to upload the last meme! I have the handwriting part finished...but our scanner has been acting funky. I might just photograph it and call it a day.

Becky Stets said...

I read this when you first posted but I've just been SUPER lazy about commenting! Anyways. Thanks for playing along. I have been thinking about skateboarding too, well long boarding. It looks fun. The only skating I've ever done was sitting on a skateboard and launching myself down a half pipe. Oh AND I'll go to Hawaii with you! LOL