Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Hi guys! I've been kind of absent from this blog of mine for the past couple of months. School is kicking me in the rear.. but it's proving to be a good thing. I'm finally being challenged, and after whining, and crying, and complaning for a couple of weeks I've come to one conclusion: I have to try harder. So I am.

In January I made a list of goals for myself and slapped them on our fridge.
1. Work harder in school
2. Take more photos
3. Be healthier and cook more
4. Get outside and exercise more

Pretty simple. I've been doing swimmingly with these goals, so Anthony and I have added a few more to the list. This time there are deadlines.

5. Skate video complete by Winter 2012 << This is his goal, but I'm here for moral support
6. Finish school by Winter 2013 / Spring 2014 << Mine
7. Save for 10 - 15% down on a home by some time in 2014

We'll see how it goes.


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