So I've been thinking about this topic of separation anxiety. On my way to work today I kept thinking "separation anxiety...separation anxiety...separation anxiety..." and I didn't know why. I started to think that maybe I have it. If I look at my life it kind of makes sense. I'm that girl who gives her husband the most difficult time possible when I'm with him but the minute he leaves the house I jump into bed and spend the alone time reading because WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO WHEN YOUR HUSBAND IS NOT AROUND? I don't really have friends in this hometown of mine because I'm the only one going to school where I grew up. Sam is gone. Andie is gone. Tina is gone. Erica is a work-a-holic at her restaurant because she really can't afford not to be. Sarah is gone. Oh look... that's all my friends. Wow my life is exciting. So basically IF Anthony goes somewhere without me I ask this question, "When will you back back?" and I get an answer that is NEVER accurate. I mean this guy has to have some sort of life without me, right? I'm the girl who makes his him regret the marriage decision on the daily because of the nagging and nagging and nagging... but I go to work and there are pictures of him plastered all over my cubicle, and my background on my phone is him, and my bookmark in my book is him. It's sick. I'm the girl who can't sleep without her husband. If I do fall asleep without him it is usually preceded by hours of TV or reading. Basically I force myself to fall asleep. I'm the girl who calls one-hundred times when he's out. Not out of distrust - out of anxiety. Does anyone else experience this? Gosh I'm crazy.
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