Today I want to discuss what it means to be a mom in our house. It means that from the moment I wake up I am in mom mode and the questions start firing.. "Did she pee?" "Did she poop?" "Did she eat?" "Is her bed in the kitchen?" "Did you eat?" "Did you make your lunch?" "Did you take out the garbages"
... and this is about the time that Anthony is ripping his hair out wishing he never woke me from my peaceful slumber (well you should that thought of that before you threw a dog onto my head this morning).... so he leaves for work and then as a mom I get to take a break from all the nagging because I'm in charge and I know exactly what is happening and when.
Angie and I watch Boy Meets World every morning and then we take a short 30 minute nap. We follow our nap with a shower - well she stands outside the shower and waits for me to come out so she can lick my legs dry, it's gross - and then she trots around the house behind me while I make my lunch and get dressed and turn on the Spanish radio station for her (she's learning Spanish while we're at work) and then she sits right below me while I blow dry my hair. I think she knows that blow drying = going to work because typically on the weekends I don't do my hair.
Being a mom means that you are never alone because even when you are alone someone is probably calling you for something or vice versa because there is always something to be done or to worry about.
I'm not complaining - just saying that being a mom is hard work and quite a bit of dedication.
But I'm pretty dedicated.
p.s. if you are hating all my puppy posts lately, sorry... It's just about all I've got going on besides school right now.
I seriously cant wait to laugh my ass off at all the post when you finally have a baby! Miss you guys!
I love this post!! This sounds just like my dog, Mackenzie! She licks my legs when I get out of the shower too!! haha. Keep up with your mommy posts! <3
Brinks does the same thing every time I shower! He stands with his paws on the ledge of the tub until I get out, and then I have to run to the bedroom or else he'll lick my feet like crazy. I don't understand the appeal at. all. lol.
oh my goodness....cutest puppy.
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