Remember when you were a kid and stopping at Wendy's or OHMYGOSHLOOKMOM! we can make it to McDonalds before breakfast is over was seriously the most exciting moment of the trip from home to (whever you were headed for the weekend)? Unless you are still a child are heart - or you deprive yourself of fast food like me - this is probably not something you still get too giddy about. Well my friends, yesterday I had this moment. My boss' birthday is this week so here at the office we've been mini celebrating each day. Yesterday Sonia brought everyone a hamburger from McDonalds and I'm telling you what.. best burger I've ever had. I know I've said these words before. I love me some hamburger action. But for some reason this burger hit the spot. It was warm but not soggy and the the patties were covered in pepper (my fav).
It's funny how little things in life can be so exciting. It's also a bit sick and twisted in the grand scheme of things.
But that hamburger.
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