Anthony has been a dad for a couple of weeks now and I'll tell you what.. it's growing on him. I think this guy was born to be a dad. Now I'm not saying that we are planning on being parents anytime soon (we're not) because some people really aren't ready for raising a real live person yet.
But moving on.. being a dad. Anthony is a pretty awesome dad. He takes her out to go the bathroom whenever I ask him to and he spends a solid hour with her every morning so I can sleep for!!! and I am very grateful for that part of my day. Plus... he sends me text messages like, "How are my three babies? (me, Axe and Ang) and I love those to death.
If I'm really honest though... dads are dads for a whole other purpose. They are there to hold the cutie pie when she's tired so mom can get some crap done around the house because guess what?! Mom holds cutie pie the rest of the time WHILE she gets crap done around the house. Basically mom does it all - but dad gets to look cute doing it and people fawn over him and say, "Awww! How cute! What a good dad!" You get my point, right? Dads are usually lazy and/or good at not looking lazy even though they truly are.
Around here Angie is Anthony's Raider buddy, beer buddy and his sit out on the grass and look white-trash buddy. It's grand.
But she loves him, so I guess we'll be keeping him.
Ahh too cute!! Puppies are the best :)
1. this new puppy is beyond cute! And 2. you seriously hit the nail on the head with the dad stuff kels!! I could not give you more props or have said it better myself! lol
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