We have had two fortunes this year, one good and one bad. We first had the good fortune of being given a wonderful dog who was literally on her last leg. Second we were dealt the misfortune of sending her on to a better place. After a lot of talking Anthony and I decided to put Shadow to rest on Wednesday morning the 17th. It's sad for me not that she is gone but that we could not give her the kind of love she continually gave to us while she was here. That love was unconditional. Dogs spend every waking moment trying to make us humans happy. They wait until they get their 10% of our attention and then they just love and love and love on us like there's no tomorrow. As a child I never had a dog like Shadow so I am very thankful that I was able to have her as an adult, even though it was for such a short time. I took this photo of her on Wednesday morning. I just love her raccoon eyes and her cute little nose. We always told her that she was such a fancy lady for crossing her front paws when she laid down and that she should hold out for that special pup among all the other hound dogs out there on our walks. She was my little old granny - just about 14 years old this month actually. But the truth is that another hairy beast stole her heart long ago - my papa Bob - and the last thing I told her was that she would get to see him in just a little while and that I was sorry I had to let her go. She was such a good dog and if she taught me anything it's that if I ever get another dog in this life to give that dog as much love and attention as he gives me. And that even though it will pale in comparison to what I'll receive back, at least I will have done my best. Loved that girl and always will. My little Shads.
Ugh kels this is SO dang sweet! Rip sweet puppy! She is too cute.
aww, so sweet! Such a cute dog. I'm so sorry she passed away so soon. My cat passed away last year, it was hard. I worked at home and spent almost all of every day with her in my lap, and still felt like I should have loved on her more, so I think we always feel like we could have done more.
Once again, you made me cry. Shadow was a very sweet dog, I will miss her.
When she went to the Lord, Papa was there crouched down in the beautiful green grass saying, "Come on Shadow" and she ran and I mean ran as fast as she could and jumped into his arms...knocking him backwards and licking him all over his face. I know that she was tasting salt, because Papa was so happy that he was crying tears of utter joy at having his baby girl back. She has no more pain and he has no more pain and they walk side by side without the need for leach or harness, wheelchair or a walker. They spend all of their time together and Papa is eternally grateful to his Kelsey Girl for taking such amazingly loving care of his precious baby while he was waiting to see her again. I am so proud of you Kelsey. It takes immense strength to let go of someone you love so much. The selfish thing to do would have been to keep her with you so that you could enjoy her for longer. She is so happy and is now waiting for you...someday...to meet her and she will come running with love and kisses for her Forever Mommy. I love you so much Honey.
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