Sunday, August 21, 2011

SJSU Here I Come

Well it's that time again - time for school. 
I start on Wednesday and I am freaking ecstatic because this time around I plan to do it right.

I'm not going to lie and tell you guys that I plan to kick my habit of procrastinating but I will admit that this semester I will do it less! Not because I desire to do my homework, but because I will most likely drown in my reading material if I don't stay on top of it all. 

It's funny how I spent so many summer vacations as a kid wishing school would never come back and then begged my mom every August to spend $$$$ on new clothes and shoes and backpacks and of course, school supplies.

Things are so different now. 

As an adult all I need for school are my books, a pad of paper and a pen. Oh yeah, and a car filled with gas. At home all I need is my laptop and a printer. 

But I did splurge on one thing today - a new sticker. And I like it. I like it a lot.

Wish me luck!
Go Spartans!
