Wednesday, July 6, 2011

About Me

I prefer white wine
and I like it in a stemless glass
I hate having hair in my face
but I hate the way my hair looks when it's up 
I dislike exercise
yet I love the energy that follows a run
and I love the great outdoors
I tend to idolize men from our nation's historical past
before I know anything about them
I am guilty of obsessing over the Casey Anthony case
I'd rather have my nose buried in a book 
but I spend most of my time on the internet
watering my plants in the morning is a burden
though I brag about my flowers to friends
as if I created them myself
I enjoy tomatoes, onions and garlic in the raw
give me pizza or give me death
I sleep in almost every day
and every day I regret it
I hate the sound of my alarm
I think poetry is beautiful
and I used to dabble
but now I don't 
ditto for photography
Sometimes I'm a stressful eater
and sometimes I'm a stressful non-eater
it all depends
I never thought that the first year of marriage would be this darn difficult
even though everyone told me it would
guess what?
it is really really hard to master
but I love my husband



Lynette Fraga-weems said...

Always so honest! I love you...

Renee said...

Hey guess what? I love your husband I love you too...xoxo