Thursday, July 28, 2011

WISH LIST 7.28.11

This Teardrop trailer
in Salinas, CA
This do it yourself ironing board
which I plan on making for myself
because the "dorm room" Target brand one I have is not cutting it anymore
and I'm tired of borrowing my MIL's
and our house is just too small for a normal sized ironing board

This brand spanking new camera from Costco
Canon 15 Megapixel
And this hammock
sure... I'll take the lawn too

Ok I'm done being greedy.


1 comment:

SamanthaJacquie said...

Mike and I LOVE teardrops!! When he gets filthy rich doing nothing (i wish) he plans on building his own from scratch. And then we will all go camping! Yippee! Btw, when you go to the Camello cabin, please invite me! haha I miss that cabin. I saw a bear there once.