We are not down in the dumps - lucky us! - but a bunch of our old crap is!
We recently got some new furniture and my dad was nice enough to drive his truck down to carry the load. When he got here we realized how much junk we had lying around outside so he took us down to the Santa Cruz County dump site.
I have to say that there are a lot of things I have not done in this life and people are usually surprised when I say "Oh that sounds like fun, I haven't done that before" because I'm 20 and I still haven't been to a lot of places or done a lot of things. But when I said I was excited because I'd never been to the dumps before my dad just laughed. He must think I'm insane. Or... well it's my dad so he probably knows me well enough to know that I get excited about everything.
So we went down to the dumps. It was DISGUSTING! and they charge you! Yes I am naive. I thought you could dump your junk for free.
Dad and Ant loading up the truck
Stop and pay for us to dump your junk!
This is the hill that the garbage turns into. Very nice.

Birds everywhere!
How lovely.
and to top it all off my dad insisted on going to the bathroom before we left. We only live about 5 minutes from here but why not?! hahaha
Here are the 6 things I learned at the dumps:
1. Try not to make trash or at least reuse whatever you can
2. Bring $$ when you go to the dumps
3. Don't get out of the car - you may die.
4. Hide things so that they won't charge you for them
5. Stay away from the birds because they live off of the trash. ew!
6. Recycle Recyle Recyle. It keeps that horrible hill from growing.
We recently got some new furniture and my dad was nice enough to drive his truck down to carry the load. When he got here we realized how much junk we had lying around outside so he took us down to the Santa Cruz County dump site.
I have to say that there are a lot of things I have not done in this life and people are usually surprised when I say "Oh that sounds like fun, I haven't done that before" because I'm 20 and I still haven't been to a lot of places or done a lot of things. But when I said I was excited because I'd never been to the dumps before my dad just laughed. He must think I'm insane. Or... well it's my dad so he probably knows me well enough to know that I get excited about everything.
So we went down to the dumps. It was DISGUSTING! and they charge you! Yes I am naive. I thought you could dump your junk for free.
Here are the 6 things I learned at the dumps:
1. Try not to make trash or at least reuse whatever you can
2. Bring $$ when you go to the dumps
3. Don't get out of the car - you may die.
4. Hide things so that they won't charge you for them
5. Stay away from the birds because they live off of the trash. ew!
6. Recycle Recyle Recyle. It keeps that horrible hill from growing.
Now Kelsey, do you really think it's the honest thing to do by hiding your stuff?
nope. haha
Most of our towns charge by the bag but have expanded what they allow for recycling( to "single-stream" ). And unless it's as load of scrap metal, we get charged per each of certain items. The fees can be high but don't compare if you get caught dumping illegally...
And I reuse as much as I possibly can :)
The dump in Redding was redone, and it's REALLY nice! It still smells weird, but you sort of dump your stuff down into a big warehouse room where a guy with a bulldozer sweeps it all away every 10 minutes or so, so you don't even have to look at all the stuff! Costs an arm and a leg still.
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