I'm going to start this post off by noting that no one would allow me to take photos of them this weekend so I hope you're all happy that this entire post consists of photos of Columbia.
Moving on...
This past weekend we got into the back of the Camello fam's van and drove up to Sonora for Andrea's (Anthony's mom's sister's) birthday weekend. I think she was turning 15 or something because there was a lot of tv watching, game playing and candy eating. But in all honesty - those things did happen even though she's a bit older than that and that my friend is what makes family gatherings so awesome! ok anyway...
We spent a nice long weekend chatting, napping, watching the Olympics, napping some more, eating, eating, and eating. Oh yeah and eating. We also went into Downtown Sonora which was pretty darn cool - if only the rain didn't run us back home. Then came the most photorific (yes I just used that word) part of the trip: the visit to Columbia State Historic Park.
I think we all know I've been dying to go to Columbia for some time now since the last time we were up in Tuolumne county we never got around to actually going there. The place is pretty cool - tons of old buildings and such - but boy was it dead! Literally. Dead. And the "character" people were not up to par. So poo on that! However, I can never resist photo opportunities so here we go:
It all started with "the turkey". Am I right Joe!? It was amazing!

Natalie, Jacqueline and Mary
Ant and Renee checking out the family history binder Donna put together
And here come the Columbia photos:

Greek Theater at Berkeley
Candy Shop photo gone wrong - I ruined it by laughing.

hahahahahahahhaha. I couldn't resist!
Sarah eating her candy.

"Dogpile ala Camello"
Moving on...
This past weekend we got into the back of the Camello fam's van and drove up to Sonora for Andrea's (Anthony's mom's sister's) birthday weekend. I think she was turning 15 or something because there was a lot of tv watching, game playing and candy eating. But in all honesty - those things did happen even though she's a bit older than that and that my friend is what makes family gatherings so awesome! ok anyway...
We spent a nice long weekend chatting, napping, watching the Olympics, napping some more, eating, eating, and eating. Oh yeah and eating. We also went into Downtown Sonora which was pretty darn cool - if only the rain didn't run us back home. Then came the most photorific (yes I just used that word) part of the trip: the visit to Columbia State Historic Park.
I think we all know I've been dying to go to Columbia for some time now since the last time we were up in Tuolumne county we never got around to actually going there. The place is pretty cool - tons of old buildings and such - but boy was it dead! Literally. Dead. And the "character" people were not up to par. So poo on that! However, I can never resist photo opportunities so here we go:
It all started with "the turkey". Am I right Joe!? It was amazing!

And here come the Columbia photos:

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what you did or did not accomplish and the negative things that sometimes obstruct our view of the wonderful people who surround us have to be pushed aside because family is all that matters in the end. No matter what this coming year might bring us I know that I've got two great families who will be there for us no matter what and that is something I will try to keep in mind always.
They wouldn't let you take pictures? what a bunch of self-conscious old ladies. Maybe they ARE all fifteen! :-) Sounds like you guys had an awesome weekend. SO JEALOUS.
yeah we had a great time! too bad you don't live here! gosh darn it!
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