Thomas / Augie at one month old
Little man weighed 8 lb 6 oz at birth. Today he is 4 1/2 weeks old and weighs 10 lb 14 oz. So basically, he's huge. Leeland didn't hit 10 lbs until he was 3 months old. Isn't that crazy?!
For the first couple of weeks, we had a difficult time with this one. It turned out that the formula we were feeding him was upsetting his stomach constantly. He had a hard time eating, sleeping, and pooping. His whole existence was hard! So, we changed his formula, and now we have this happy little baby around. It's been really nice.
He mostly sleeps and eats, obviously. He loves to sleep on his tummy, which is (of course) against the rules. So, we only let him nap in his regular bassinet/crib that way during the day, so that we can keep an eye on him. At night, he sleeps in the portable bassinet on his back, which is rounded and looks so comfy --- I wish I could sleep in it too!
He was in our room for about 3-4 days before we moved him down the hall into his own room. He sleeps in there like a champ from 7:30pm - 8:30am, with a feeding every 3-4 hours. At first I kept telling everyone was nothing like Leeland, not his looks, not his personality. Lately, I'm realizing he is a really good baby and therefore, he is like my little Lee!! Also, his looks are pretty similar to Leeland's in many ways, though I can tell that Augie will look more like a Camello than a Weems -- I see a lot more of Anthony in his expressions.
He went from 2 oz bottles to 4 oz bottles pretty quick, thus the freaking weight gain. He is a chunky little beast baby!!
He's flipped from his stomach to back twice now (though I think they were both flukes), and yesterday he got from his back to his side quite a few times, before rocking back to having his back on the floor. He likes to lay in the play mat and look and swat at (accidentally, I think) his toys. If I'm wearing a necklace and holding him, he's got a death grip on it for sure. He also loves to sit in the bouncer upright and hang out with us in the living room in it.
At about three weeks old I saw his first intentional smile (not gas) when I was holding him and talking to him. Mary was with me, so I guess she must have sprinkled some magic dust on him, or something. :)
What else? There isn't much else to say. He's a cute one, yes he is!
I'll try to do this same sort of post again at 2 months.
I'll try to do this same sort of post again at 2 months.
[one week old]
[one week old]
[one week old]
[one month old]
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