Leeland turned 9 months old on Christmas Eve! Since then we've been dealing with a pretty awful cold on top of the flu, so there's my reasoning for being so late on this!
Top two teeth are in. That happened shortly after my last month-by-month post. They're super cute and we're not sure if they're far apart because he's a baby or if it's because he got the Rose buckteeth that run in my great-grandmother Lily's genes (and mine!)
He's recently, like in the last few days, become a mega eater. He will eat anything and everything we give him. I love it! Today he had scrambled eggs, fruit, cheerios, brie, jam, green beans, chicken noodle soup, raviolis and broccoli. He's also averages between 20-24 oz of formula a day.
I think that he truly just noticed that we respond to the things he does. Like, "Oh, I have control here!" UH OH, for us, is all I have to say about that.
He's still cruising around the house. No walking yet. His recent sickness has zapped his interest in talking, so lately he's done a lot of mumbling and whistling. Whistling is his absolute favorite thing right now. He's also really into his baths and reading books. Sometimes he cries when we stop reading. I don't know if it's because he likes to read, or if it's because he doesn't want to go to bed? Who knows?!
What else? He's so inquisitive, so interested in everything that is going on. He claps his hands when he wants more food, and we've noticed that he does a little dance too. It's very cute. Suddenly, he can learn something new in literally 24 hours! We've been trying to test that out with new little cute things like, "How big is Leeland? SO BIG!" and kissing his hands in between bites of food. He also learned how to shake his head on cue, which was too cute!
He likes to pass the ball back and forth with papa Ed, which is adorable, of course, and he's obsessed with giving his food to Angie. UGH!! Riding in the front of the shopping card is obviously really fun for him, and sometimes we race our cart (which may not be so safe, now that I think about it).
Some days are really hard. He's so hard-headed! One stubborn kid for two stubborn parents, I guess. His schedule is beginning to change too, so we're dealing with that and I am trying to be patient and not an evil mother.
I can't think of anything else right now. He just keeps on growing, and we are so lucky to have him!
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