Wednesday, November 5, 2014

costumes + beer

Our friends Robby and Bonnie hosted this year's Halloween costume party out in San Ramon. Lucky for the people in my car, I'm a designated driver for at least another 5 months... likely longer. 

The party was essentially a beer-fest for the drinkers, and a chip and dip eating-fest for me. Seeing everyone's costumes was a lot of fun, as always, though I can't lie about my disappointment in the lack of a contest (ROBBY!!). 

Thanks for hosting another fun party!

Zuit Suit Man and Randy Marsh

Hillbilly, Randy, Bearded Lady, and Kramer

Me as Raggedy Ann

Strong Man on the left

Bonnie looked cute, as always!

Skele-girl and Ace Ventura

Life-Sized Dolls

The Cop and her Monkey Man

The Robber and the Carpenter

The traditional Bryan/Kelsey Halloween photo. Not quite up to par, but better than nothing!!



Jacqueline said...

You looked sooo cute!! And so did Bryan and alex :)

Renee said...

I love all the costumes! Such creativity.

Lynette Fraga-weems said...

Such awesome costumes on every one. So original and clever. Guess I can see why you all get along so well Love you!!