Friday, March 15, 2013

Riley Renee - She's finally here!

Do you ever have one of those moments in your life when you think to yourself, "I'll never forget what this feels like"? This Tuesday I had one of those moments. At 6:32 PM on March 12th, little miss Riley Renee Camello was born. As she took her first breathe of California air I realized I was crying like a baby. I looked up to find that Grandma Renee was doing the same. But for the new mom it looked like she had breathed a sigh of relief more than anything else. Like, thank God she is finally out!!! I wonder if everyone who gives birth at two weeks overdue breathes that same sigh.

Anyway, if you've never been in a birthing room I think it would be difficult to understand what it's really like to assist life into this world, but I think it's something that every person should experience. To know that all of us came from this tiny existence within our mothers, that she had to push our however many pound bodies out of her is hard to fathom --- until you've seen it up close.

Now, with that said, my role in this whole experience was very minimal, other than being there for my sister in law whenever she needed me over the last five months. She's the trooper who turned this whole experience into a perfect baby girl. Seriously, Riley is perfect. Don't argue with me on that.

I'm not going to get into a long story about the details, and I'm not sure that my sister in law would really want me to share them anyway (I'm great at telling things that don't need to be told AKA often my big mouth moves before my brain thinks it through). However, I do want to share all the amazing photos from the last few days. Most of these were taken on Tuesday the 12th, though some are from the 13th. Mary and Riley came home from the hospital yesterday and they are doing great. Plus, Sarah FINALLY got to meet her!

I am so, so happy for Mary, and I can't wait to hang out with her and my brand new niece for the rest of my life (sorry, guys).



Anonymous said...

Omg brimming with tears! We need to skype soon! Love, Tina

Lynette Fraga-weems said...

What an amazing post honey. Riley will love this some day. I am so happy you were able to be with Mary and Riley during this incredible miracle if birth. As you said, until you experience it, you can't possibly understand how miraculous it is. I love you so much and am so thankful I pushed your little 4 lb 11 oz bundle if pure joy into the world.

Renee said...

Kels, I love all these pictures and I love you. Thanks for documenting such a wonderful day that I will never forget....MIL