At the behest of my good friend Andie I am updating this blog of mine with the events (big and small) of the past couple of months. I'd really like to get back to blogging regularly since I find that it's really helpful as a record when I'm printing my pictures and putting them into albums.
and, on to the photos ----
I made Anthony's Valentine's gift the first week of January and he loved it when he received it in Feb.
This little miss showed off her guns at Mary's last ultrasound pre-birth.
I spent a ton of time with my favorite girls on the planet.
Anthony got a new tattoo.
I started playing handball and I'm slightly obsessed with it.
We spent some time with this little girl. She is so much fun to be around and always keeps everyone laughing.
Gretchen and I went on a day trip to Santa Cruz County with Derrick. Ice Cream and Ollaliberry pie were in abundance.
I finally cleaned up the mess that was my craft area
After starting the most time intensive semester so far I realized how much I seriously love and cherish my pets. They keep me happy, so I resolved to make their lives happier whenever possible. Also, to spend more time with Axel.
We rallied against the Niners at Bryan and Alex's Superbowl party
We went to the opening of the new Blood Wizard video at Thee Parkside in the city.
Anthony met his all time favorite skater (and probably had a mini heart attack over it).
Miss Abigail came home from the NICU after a full month of being in this world. We went out to visit Natalie and Jared and I fell in love with her instantly.
My mom started making teeny weeny warmers and we're hoping to open an etsy shop soon.
Anthony and I went on a Valentine's movie date with John McClain AND IN 'n' OUT burgers.
Mom celebrated another year of life. I brought her flowers...
and we went to see Wicked in the city.
I'm already dying to see it again.
Joey asked Desiree to marry him... and she said YES! They are planning to get married this October!
I made some fun cards and sent them out via snail mail.
And, finally... last weekend we celebrated Richard's birthday with all these fools.
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