My cousin (yes I can say that, which is pretty SUHWEET!!) Sarah tagged me as one of her favorite five blogs with less than 200 followers.
So...I guess I'm going to push this train along - here are my FAVE FIVE with under 200 readers:
B is for Becky - Awesomeness like this isn't born everyday. (I wish this girl was my friend in real life for sure)
Sweet Exchange - Christina is one of those people who can tell a story and REALLY tell it right. She used to blog lifetimes ago and she is bringing it back.. cause I said so.
Always with Crossed Arms - Alex is probably the coolest girl I know and she can dance like it's nobody's business.
For the Love of Dog - Jessica is my cousin and she probably should have a show on the Food Network cause she's always making something yummy for her hubby.

Awwww :)
Thanks for the shout out Kels! You're so sweet!
Thank you!!!! XOXO
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