So far I'm doing pretty darn well on my summer reading...
I just finished my third book:
This book was so inspirational and I'm stoked that the movie is coming out soon!
In honor of one of the three heroines of this novel I named my brand new bike "Skeeter"
Pictures of that beauty to come later ....
and I am on to book #4
Twenty-six pages in and I've learned the following:
[he was a principled man. a self-made man. gifted with a major talent for literary expression]
[historical biography is an interpretive art, not an exact science]
[all his political career, he was the most ardent and uncompromising champion of popular government who ever lived]
[Born Feb 12th 1809]
[the Lincoln line originated in Massachsuetts. They were Quakers but they fell away from that belief]
[he loved birds and animals and hated killing them for food]
[as he labored in the fields, he dreamed of Washington and Jefferson, came to idolize them as heroic men who had shaped the course of history]
[he looked forward to the day when all men could free themselves from the "tyrant of spirits," when all appetites would be controlled, all passions subdued, and 'mind, all conquering mind,' would rule the world]
and this.. my friends.. is why SJSU is making me a history major.
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