Saturday we drove up to Petaluma for a little graduation bash ala Cinfio
We smooshed into Anthony's truck and were on our way
I am so jealous of graduates at the moment
the spread
these randomly pop up in the camera when Anthony is in charge
Christina and her brosef
Hillary the giant
Anthony posing as the 7-UP guy
yummy fruit
Tina with her grandma and grandpa
and her mom, aunt and cousin
big surprise
boob coverage
well there goes another one...
me and Tina
Seriously the BEST cake EVER... sorry mom...
then we hopped back in the car for the ride out to El Dorado for Jamie's graduation party
We walked into this... yum yum and yum
Uncle Donnie and Nana
I can't complain
Ken, Uncle David, Lenny, Joe and Ant
Dude this guy is the coolest. He plays the sax. And he is badass.
I don't know why but I love this photo
This photo has to remain small for reasons I will not mention
This is what Mike's mother in law brought him from her recent travels. He likes it. Can you tell?
Pam, Aunt Sue and Michelle
my MIL, me and Aunt Sissy
Nana and Jacquelina
Fatherly love
Congratulations Christina and Jamie
and all the other graduates that I know!