Friday, April 29, 2011

I love you to death and back

I think it's safe to say that one of my all time favorite places to be is Yosemite National Park
It's the only national park I have been to and I go at least once a year ever since my dad took Ant and I for the first time in 2008

We embarked on our Easter weekend trip Friday night - drove up to the cabin for a morning hike to Vernal Falls - with plans of spending Sunday back in the Bay with family.
Our newest tradition: Starbucks must always accompany us on a night trip

I talked Anthony into a photo shoot

I ❤ this one
We played a little Pictionary
Above: Anthony can draw anything and I will guess it. He has a special ability... he can draw.
Above: I cannot. How sad. 

and in the morning headed for the park (about a 40 minute drive East)

There was snow EVERYWHERE except the valley floor. Everyone thought I was crazy for wearing shorts but it wasn't cold at all!

I don't own hiking boots. It's tough hiking in Converse let me tell you

It always ends up being a day where you wonder why you ever wasted time on blow drying your hair, you know?

Goodbye... until next time.

And.. my favorite thing in the entire cabin - the massive gold mirror by the door. Always there when you need it. 

Next up... Easter


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

best picture= anthony, dog, playboy magazine.