I'm told that Spring officially started this week. Funny how I didn't even notice with all the rain we've been getting and all. I know April showers bring May flowers but seriously I AM READY FOR SUMMER!!
I've ushered Spring in with some afternoon walks with Shadow
Jamba Juice
A new hairdo
a few additions to my wardrobe
a detailed cleaning of our house
The latter being the worst of it all
You see this whole cleaning thing always starts small for me. I plan to clean out the bathroom cabinet since it's garbage night and we obviously don't use half the crap in there since it's been close to a year with the same bottles of cream and body sprays etc... but what do I do? I end up cleaning out every single drawer and cabinet in our house which includes three "crap" drawers. Next I am vacuuming the bathroom and cleaning the toilet. Oh better windex the mirror too.
Suddenly I think to myself...
"Wasn't I supposed to be writing to my pen pal tonight?"
Yes I have a pen pal
yes you should be jealous
I'll get to that in my next post
I look over and what is Anthony doing?
He is sitting in our second bedroom playing Tony Hawk on the Playstation. He is in a trance. His fingers are moving at the speed of light. His skills in that game are akin to my organizing skills - amazing and way to good for a healthy lifestyle. No one should like virtual skateboarding as much as he does and seriously.. no one should enjoy organizing as much as I do.
After looking at him sitting there immobile it occurs to me that I'm done cleaning WOOHOO! so I sit down to finish the last 200 pages of my book (#3 on my list in the right sidebar) and I end up reading until 2AM with the hubs using me as a pillow.
I groggily woke up this morning to said hubs telling me no work today due to rain conditions and not to worry he is planning to clean all day.
I'm like.. "right... you are going to clean? on your day off? You are going to put shoes on? You're not going to sit around all day eating ice cream and frozen philly cheese steaks? Sweet!"
On my way to work he calls to tell me that what he dug out of the bathroom drain is the most disgusting thing he has ever seen. Yipee!!!
Around 1:30 I get a call that he has cleaned the kitchen floor and scrubbed the stove so it's actually white again. Not only that but he's cleaned the whole tub and shower and it's white now too! Guess what else?! He's dumped all the garbage cans and cleaned the spot on our bedroom rug. Oh yeah.. and he folded two loads of laundry.
WHO IS THIS PERSON?!?! Not the hubs I know..
Guess what?
I got home and he was playing Tony Hawk.
Good thing he didn't change too much
I kind of like this guy
But my house was so clean you could eat off the bathroom floor.
No I would never do that.
Sickest thing I've ever heard.
You should pick one up for yourself.
I think they sell them on Amazon.
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