Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Update: 01/26/2011

I've been slacking quite a bit lately on this old blog of mine. Life has been pretty simple. 
Our daily routine goes something like this:

5:45 First alarm - snooze
6:00 Anthony gets up
6:30 I get up and make our lunches while he eats breakfast
7:00 He goes to work
8:00 I go to work
4:00 I come home from work - usually Ant is home by now too
5:00 Make dinner / Think about making dinner / eat out etc..
7:00 start a movie
8:00 fall asleep watching said movie

Wow our life is sad. I guess I shouldn't say that our life is sad because it's not.  What I should say is that it's stable and predictable. These are good things. Let's repeat that.. these are good things. With school starting this fall and the unpredictability that it will bring with it I'm trying to appreciate what we've got going right now. The weekends are usually spent either out of town or with people here in town so that's the fun and excitement, right? 

In other news... I recently got a promotion at my new job which is absolutely amazing! I start my new job on Tuesday. I'll be in the same office in the same desk but with a new boss, new salary and new duties. Needless to say.. I am EXCITED! Anthony is looking forward to the summer with longer hours and the sun. I think his lips are tired of being chapped - but I guess that's what working outside all day in the Winter will do to you. 

This weekend looks like it will be filled with skateboarding and grandma visiting. FUN fun FUN. 


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