Saturday, September 25, 2010


I am making a short comeback to the blogging world before I get married and leave for my week long honeymoon BABY! Here, courtesy of the lovely Andie, are photos I never posted from last month's "co-ed wedding shower" thrown by the lovely Carrie and equally lovely Patrick.

Samantha makes me smile
Everyone in my forced group photo
Opening gifts
Anthony + Sierra Nevada + Caleb's creative mind = this photo

Cody's special card just for Anthony
Again... I love my friends...
Eddie playing catch with Caleb monster

Andie, me, Sarah and Ant

Carrie and Patrick
Mike, Schmid, David, Ant, and Troy
Showing the love
This photo exemplifies my future: "Kelsey" Look at the cutie pie... "Anthony" Smell my butt!
Saige likes cake!!!!!
so does Caleb!

This is where Mike wonders why he is with someone (Samantha) who hugs someone (Kelsey) like this. It's called - junior high best friends Mike - GET OVER IT! :)

Caleb was such a good helper. I think he was practicing for his soon to be new baby brother!

Good photos with Troy are impossible. But I love these ones anyway.

Brothers? WEIRD!!! I like it.
No comment on this one.

Rica and Sarah
I don't think I'm ever going to lose my dorkiness
Joey. No comment.

Lauren, Saige and Nicole
Our first kiss... hahahahahaha
Games were played

Trivia was guessed
Sam and Mike

The Codster
Eduardo Weemsio
Josephina Weemsila

I love parties
and my friends
and presents
and photos
and getting married
and people who throw parties (you guys were awesome!)



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Props to Carrie for doing all that work! Love you guys! -Tina