A new house means we have to finally own a bed frame. You know why? Because there is a giant white wall behind our bed that is just begging to be covered up with something. As we do not have a ton of spare money at the moment we aren't going out to get canvases for Anthony to spiff up - which really stinks - but OK no biggie. So off to Thrift Town we went. Not only did I find some awesome lamps (which were promptly shut down by Mr. Camello), a rocking chair (not a good investment according to aforementioned butt munch), and a sewing table ("But you never sew!") but we did find a very nice $12 bed frame. PERFECT!
Put it on hold.
Shoved it into the back of my car amidst many drum parts and quite a few Gatorade bottles and Hi Chew wrappers (I really need to vacuum my car)
And off to Dale for some spray paint
What color? Espresso Brown Baby!

I know. We're awesome!
Put it on hold.
Shoved it into the back of my car amidst many drum parts and quite a few Gatorade bottles and Hi Chew wrappers (I really need to vacuum my car)
And off to Dale for some spray paint
What color? Espresso Brown Baby!

1 comment:
It looks amazing kels!! Good job guys come to my bed!
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