Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Theme Thursday: LIMO

I've never been in a limo.
My mom and my friend Chelsea's mom offered to do the whole limo thing for senior prom when I had this really close knit group of friends who have since pretty much gone their own ways.
I denied them. I don't even like the idea of pretending to be all ritzy.
Because I'm really not like that.

I DID have my own personal limo service for a while though - but it was more like a taxicab turned van with an interesting driver. We always had long conversations about a few of the people we knew pretty well.

Pretty much all throughout high school Anthony's mom - Renee - would drive me home after feeding me dinner and playing board games all night with the girls before bed. (there were other activities but these were the most common).

I hated asking her for a ride home - but I loved spending every waking moment at their house - so I'd usually wait until it got really late when I'd finally hear Joe say, "Anthony... can you come in here for a minute?" and then I'd know it was time to go home. Or... I'd send Anthony in to ask for me.

No. I did not have a spine.

There are some good memories from those long 1 mile trips that I could have walked if we'd lived in a different time.
- The time Renee let me drive (I had my permit)
- All the times I told her stuff that Ant didn't want her to know - I still do that

ok so i can't think of any others. It was pretty much routine.

But anyway - thanks for all the rides my personal taxi driver.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelsey, you tell it like it is (or was in this case ). That's a good thing to be able to do; and it feels good, yes? Only been in a limo once and not for a party...

Happy TT!