Cody and Tina came down to see our new house for the first time. Of course we decided to use some of Anthony's free passes at the Boardwalk. We rode the bumper cars and the Merry Go Round We rode the scariest ride at the Boardwalk - the Haunted House. Yes it is truly scary if you sit on the right side. Tina wanted to ride the sky fliers and proceeded to have a panic attack immediately upon takeoff. They were still cute though, haha. and after many more rides we returned home for Mac and Cheese and Hot Dogs for dinner. Very Gourmet!
A day well spen, I'd say! And bumper cars are a favourite( we had Whalom Park, here in Mass, 'til it got shut down. The bumper cars were first to get nicked, ere they could hire better security ). Nothing there now but over-priced condos :(
A day well spen, I'd say! And bumper cars are a favourite( we had Whalom Park, here in Mass, 'til it got shut down. The bumper cars were first to get nicked, ere they could hire better security ). Nothing there now but over-priced condos :(
And mac&cheese makes for ameal, all its own :P
kelsey, I heard that you lost your sunglasses on the bumper cars!
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