Today I got home from school and realized the house was pretty disgusting (as it frequently is because this is place is so small that one cup sitting in the wrong area looks horrible) so I made a TO DO list and Anthony decided he wanted to decide who did what
Well. Goodnight all. I am starting Sense and Sensibility tonight so I better go find it on my shelf and get to it.
Hi Kels,
I love the "Not to do list". Now that it has cooled down I still do not want to do anything. My ISP was having trouble and so trying to still get to every TT. Hoping it is now fixed.
I remember those typewriter thingys. When I took typewriting class in high school, we did not even have an electric one. Gees that was a long time ago. I wonder if you have ever even used one that was not electric. The next year the school got electric ones. But I had already taken the class and it was too late. I guess you have to go to a museum to see one. Sigh.
God bless.
Yeah I know! The weird thing was that we were watching Starsky and Hutch and while I was posting her was typing on a "real" typewriter. Weird, right?
cool typewriter!!!!! that is not nothing, that is cool-jacqueline
I cannot remember but I was once watching about the history of the typewriter, it might of been on the history channel, but I also forgot to ask if you have ever seen the typewriters in other languages. Those look really strange.
And have you ever seen the old electric typewriters with the "ball" with all the letters on it. I cannot remember what it is called. I think it was a 'ball typewriter' but not sure. And there is some kind of logic behind the placement of the alphabet letters on the keyboard. If my memory did not suck so bad, I would be able to remember some of it.
Anyway if you ever get to see it, it is a pretty interesting show.
God bless.
Mrs: The typewriter with the "ball" on it was called an IBM Selectric. I used to have to use one for typing on all day back in the day. Ick. Still gives me the willies. Not the typewriter, it was pretty cool. Just having to type all day every day. Nice post Kels.
love the list and the little man at the bottom. very cool find on the type writer. very technologically advanced in its day. : )
i hated typewriters!
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