Alright, 7 months down.
Right off the bat I will admit that I was pretty lazy this past month when it came to feeding real food to this guy and also reading to him. Grandma Geegee sent us Nat Geo for Kids, which is very cool! I am making it a goal to step it up in the fruit, meat and beans game (during meals) and the actually reading to this kid game (before bed).
Baby boy is really quite something. He is on the move! He started working hard at crawling around 5 months, and by 6 months he was very, very close. I would say that it was maybe 1 or 2 weeks into 6 months that he started cruising all over the place. He also added endless flips into his repertoire AKA, "Come back! I've flipped over and I'm tired and WAAAAHHHH!!" This is both funny and adorable (sometimes) and super annoying and tiring (most of the time). One of my favorite things is to come into his room in the morning and find him on his knees on the other side of the crib from where we laid him, playing with his stuffed animals. He also does this funny thing if he's just woken up and we walk into his room - he plays peek a boo by hiding his face in the blankets and then looking up at us and laughing. Cutest!!! Watching him grow and change never ceases to be exciting!
3 1/2 weeks ago Lee had his first real sickness - Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. He passed it around between the Weems and Camello houses - FUN! Thank you San Diego!! At the same time he sprouted two little teeth. They're just too freaking cute. I love them!!
What else? We finally gave him fruit. He tried a banana. Not a fan. Definitely going to try more fruits this month. He has also had fried chicken (accident, oops!), french fries, and just about anything else he has swiped while we weren't looking. Geez, this kid. He really does not stop moving EVER. He keeps us laughing and smiling 24/7, and I just love him and his tiny goofball personality SO, SO MUCH!!
A typical day in the life of Lee involves about 5 hours of daytime sleep (in two naps) and about 3 hours of play time in his room while I do other things. Maybe an hour or two hanging with us, plus breakfast and dinner. Sometimes a walk outside, usually not. Lots of time with miss Angie girl. He's very independent and we love it. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next!
Lots of fun was had this past month. We had the joy of visiting San Diego, we spent some time with Natalie and Wesley, got to see little Leah with Shawna and Justin, and visited with his cousin Mason at his baptism a week ago. FUN, FUN, FUN and more to come.