Monday, August 31, 2015

Tenacious Lee is 5 months old!

Little Leeland is now five months old. I can't believe we're at almost half a year!

I'm trying to think here on what has changed since he turned four months old.

We started rice cereal. At first I bought multi-grain cereal (oops!) and his poops were nice little golf balls. We moved back to rice cereal, and as of today he has started on vegetables! He's a super eater, and has yet to look at the food and say "no". His favorite part of mealtime is when we give him the spoon and let him feed himself. It's messy, but so adorable!

I swear, this kid was formed by God specifically for us. He is JUST LIKE US! He's freaking adorable (yep), gets along with anyone (yep), super smiley and fun (duh), and he LOVES FOOOOOOOD and music, and I can tell he wants to watch TV so badly (muahahahaha). I will also be forcing my love of books onto him - we've already started on that. Crossing fingers here!

He's not as into chewing on his thumb as he was a month ago. He still does it on occassion, but I think we've definitely created a binky lover. We use it at night, during naps, and sometimes when he just needs some soothing. 

Lee is still very independent. I joke that I get one clingy day each week, and I whine and complain all day about it. The next day you might find me trying to snuggle him to sleep. It's funny how motherhood works. You want your independence and then the minute you get it you crave having that little baby in your arms again. 

Little dude has been super strong since he was born, and really at one month old he had started standing and holding his head up for long periods of time. His new favorite thing is to do constant ab crunches (see two photos below). If he's not sleeping then he's doing ab crunches. He wants to sit up on his own so badly, but he's still toppling over if unassisted. Crawling is still in the future as well. If he's on his stomach for awhile you will find him in a different spot than where you laid him, but he got there by scooting on his tummy. Works for me. The longer we go without him crawling just means less sweeping of my house for me! hehehe

(you can just feel the concentration in this face!) LOL

Today he straight up took the bottle from my hands and drank the whole 6 ounces without any help. When he was done he just looked at me like, "You gonna burp me, or what?" with those little eyebrows raised. UGH. Cracks. Me. Up!

No one really believes us, but if you ask him to say it enough times you will hear his versions of "hi", "mama", and "RAWR!". He's a smart one, what can I say?! hehehehe

He's stepped up his laughing game a bit. You no longer have to completely stand on your head to get a laugh out of him. You just have to find the right "funny" or ticklish thing that amuses him. I love it!!

We're at 5 months and one week and I still haven't seen any signs of separation anxiety in this guy. He's still willing to spend good chunks of time hanging on his own, and our constant "passing of the baby" amongst family members and friends appears to keep him both on his toes as well as willing to adjust to new people. Woo!

He is a special kid, guys. His most recent travels include Kennedy Meadows, Yosemite Valley, the California State Capitol and the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz. 

Looking forward to more fun foods, adventures, and whatever new tricks come out of this little dude in the coming month.


The California Capitol building with Baby Lee (and uncle Joey and Lauren)

This past weekend we were up in the Sacramento area for an engagement party, so we stopped in at the Capitol building for a quick walk through. 

We're native Californians, but we'd never been inside this gem of a building. It's really quite beautiful inside and out, and the lush lawns really made us wonder if the government is exempt from drought regulations. But anyhow, that's a whole other subject.

My favorite spot (of the rooms we were able to see in about an hour) was the Senate Chamber Gallery. It was beautiful and old fashioned, and I want to work there!!!!!

Another nice little historic stop with our tiny bebe for the books. It's so much fun experiencing things with our little dude!

(reproduction of the 1896 floor mosaic)


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

#Dahlincabin2015 and Mason and Lee meet for the 3rd time

People have been asking for photos from the weekend, so I'm posting here as a convenient place for you all to capture them in HI-RES. Thanks to Jacqueline and Katie for taking a lot of these photos. 

We had a wonderful time with the Dahlin / Oxenford / Mattei-Subil / Loza crews this weekend. 

I'm really missing that river right now. 


I caught zero fish, but I gladly took ownership of the two that Bryan and Anthony caught. 

"fire guy"

On our way back down HWY120 we stopped at Taylor and my aunt Tammy's house so that the boys could see each other. They are really too cute together - our little string bean and pear children. 
