Three days ago
the lovely Camello ladies threw me a wedding shower! I'm pretty sure the entire world was invited because close to that many people showed up. We had a great time celebrating family and getting excited for the coming month and wedding that is only about six weeks away now!
Jacqueline, one of the masterminds behind the shower agreed to pose in this photo of the entryway.

Hutch photos

Renee made these funky Martha Stewart hanging paper ball thingys which I asked her to keep and she said would be impossible so poo.

A very cute towel cake was set in the living room with this adorable ornament and a gift card for Disneyland!

me, Sarah and Jacqueline

Mary, Jacqueline, Me and Sarah

It was exciting - can't you tell?

I got the chance to pose with the food - sandwiches, fruit, potato salad, green salad, lemonade. Yum!

Natalie, Hilary, Andra, Cindy, Donna, Melissa and Joanne

Mom & Ann

Presents! So much fun opening those presents.

Mom, Me and Ann

I wonder if these three are sisters?

My new apron that Donna made me

Greeting.. by far the most stressful part of a wedding shower

The apron game quickly ensued. I paraded around the yard in this apron covered in kitchen utensils. Everyone had to remember them and get as many down on paper as they could.

I was forced to realize I apparently know nothing about Anthony. I got 3 out of 20 questions right.

17 pieces of gum in my mouth
That is what I will remember from that day for the rest of my life.
It was a great shower and we all had so much fun!
Thank you to Renee and the girls and Joe for planning and to everyone for spending their Saturday with us.
Oh - and the sun - thank you for finally coming out that day - we all appreciated it.
p.s. These pictures are a bit out of order - sorry - this author was again too lazy to rearrange.