As usual, we spent
4th of July with the Hunter Family in Redding CALIFORNIA

Never leave the house with Pure Mountain Spring Water ala Lake Shasta
We spent Saturday at the lake

Ant, Aunt Donna, Jacqueline, Renee, Mary

Ant and I

Maybe we found a pink doo rag at the 99 cents store - maybe we didn't .
Maybe we posed a few times with it - maybe we didn't.
On Sunday us, the Rogersons and the Willis' (aka Hilary & Jason, Natalie & Jared) drove up to
Burney Falls State Park.
And all I have to say about that drive is "Hansel, so hot right now, Hansel"

Ant, Me, Natalie + Jared

Burney Falls BABY!

My Nature Man!
Can't you tell that he just KNOWS nature?!

Joe and Ant

The picture taking got a little out of control... as usual

The Camello Fam


Just me and my friend here at the bottom of the falls

Joe, Mary and I decided to delve a little further into waterfall territory
and we found a snake!!!!!!!! And we ran. Fast.

I was peer pressured into dunking my head in the waterfall

It was worth it, though.
We drove home and got ready for the fireworks that night

But first, Hilary put on a fairy show in her wedding dress

It was great!
Then we walked down to the fireworks!

Sarah looked so cute in her 4th of July dress

Natalie was my twinsie!

And apparently my head loves her boob! We have a special connection

Boys make weird faces

Little Max! and Uncle Calvin... I may have a crush on Max. Just maybe.

Sarah was totally rock star all night

Sarah, Me, Anthony, Jacqueline, Jared, Natalie, Sam, Jason, Hilary
And I don't know about you guys but I think Sam and Anthony are practically twins
You can deny it, but I have more photos to prove it!

Ellie and I had some fun with glowsticks!

And of the 2 billion pictures I took of the fireworks I got a few OK ones:

Always a good time!
Thanks Hunter Clan!