Saturday, May 14, 2011

This SUMMER I am relaxing

So today is my first day of summer
I wrote my last paper for Spring semester yesterday
and I start at SJSU in August
so I have three full months of no school
And hey, who knows... this may be my last summer without school
at least until I have kids
or travel to some faraway place
you never know

We decided that summer warranted new sheets
we got these green polka dot sheets for the wedding and I so worried that we'd never get to use them since our room is all brown and blue
so I made a change
I took down Anthony's artwork (no I am not evil - it will return at some point)
and changed the sheets
and bought this cute RELAX plaque at Home Goods for $6.00
But now I don't know what to put underneath
because the wall is huge
and I HATE.. let me repeat that.. HATE empty space in life. I am a clutter / wall filler / anything can look good there type of person. You should have seen my bedroom in high school - I don't think I had a square inch uncovered. 
But I digress... I need to fill this wall.
Today's garage sailing outing was a success so we may have something
but it will be up to hubs-a-lot on this one.
On another note I love Anthony's dresser because it's super cute and has our marriage certificate on it now!
and his cute hat


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