Saturday, March 19, 2011

FBOOK Challenge Day 50

A picture of your most frequented place

This  blogging / computer / internet lifestyle is addicting

My most frequented place is my computer. 
For four years - since I purchased this mac in 2007 - I've been glued to it's magic. 
My favorite person in this whole world (the hubs) usually gets really depressed when he sees me pull it out of its case because I tend to lose hearing in both of my ears when I'm busy using it. It's some type of chemical imbalance I think. I have to hurry and get my computer time in before he gets home or after he goes to sleep or else I will have "ruined the night" or something to that effect and I'll have to hear about how sick it is that I use a computer all day at work and then come home and sit on a laptop. 
Sometimes I say I am checking on my grades or my e-mail but I am reading blogs or facebook or wasting away on some other useless-waste-of-time-website. 

But seriously.
It's my mac.
It's like a fifth limb. 
I think I'd die without it.
Is that sad?

me and my mac in 2007
on Thursday
Five seconds ago

What can I say?
It's a love affair that I'm in


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