Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FBOOK Challenge Day 03

A picture of the cast from your favorite show

We think this show is so funny that we've had all day marathons before.
One time we videotaped us watching an entire episode just to see if we make funny faces when we watch it. Turns out all we do is scratch our heads and change sitting positions the entire time.
It has been proven that whenever Jim and Pam have interesting dialogue I either smile uncontrollably or cry.
I think Michael Scott is one of the saddest characters I have ever encountered in a film or a novel.
I secretly wish I was more like Pam but I know I'm really like Angela in reality.



Lynette Fraga-weems said...


Marissa Whipple said...

My honey and I are obsessed with this show too!! Possibly the show with the greatest character development also! Every character is so valuable: from Jim to Phyllis... and even Creed!