Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Being a Married Valentine is SO MUCH FUN!

This year - for the very first time - we made Valentine's Day an actual "thing"
The hubs would disagree and tell you that one time he bought me a Homer Simpson Card and some Reeses and that it was an amazing Valentines Day.
I decline to comment.

This year I put pink hearts all over our bedroom with reasons why I love him. It was really difficult trying to come up with reasons that I hadn't already told him in the past.

And I made up a little goody basket with new shampoo, cookies and candy. 

I was surprised when I got to my car and found two new CDs on my dashboard. SCORE! I never buy myself new CDs and he finally got the hint and started buying them for me. It's so fun to get gifts, isn't it?

I always have trouble finding something to say when people ask me questions like, "Do you feel different being married?" or "Is it any more fun being married?"

So now I have one thing to say... Valentine's Day doesn't feel cliche anymore - now it's not just any day, rather it's and an excuse to buy or make each other something. 
In my opinion that's something new and fun, right?

Happy 1st Valentines Day to my Bubbi. 


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