Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Day to Explore

Yesterday Anthony and I decided it was a nice day so we should get out of the house and off our butts. We were planning on going out to this place my dad told us about - it's called The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park. Anthony has been mountain biking through there a few times so he thought I would like to walk through it and take some photos. Well on our way we picked up a very exciting treat (I'll come back to that in another post) and realized we were closer to another place I'd never been - Pleasure Point which has some pretty interesting history but anyway - we decided to go by there. We went for a nice long walk and spent some time up on a few cliffs watching people walk their dogs and surf.

After we came home for some ham, potato salad, and candy (thanks moms) we went down to the Seabright area to take a walk over the famous Railroad bridge and walk along the Boardwalk. Can you believe I've never walked over the bridge featured in The Lost Boys? Crazy, I know. And then we learned that in 2007 the city displayed the movie on a huge screen in front of the Boardwalk. I wonder if they will do that again - how fun that must have been.

But anyway - here are some pictures from the day:

"History teaches everything, including the future"
- Alphonse de Lamartine


chelle said...

Wow, what a gorgeous location! Nice photos!! A good hike is great for photos. Thanks for coming my blog :)

Jacqueline said...

i am so gald you started to blog again.!